What is this?

Created by Adam

Self-Actualizer Academy

Private • 76 • Free

A place for sharing resources & discussing self-actualization so that you can awaken & create a life that EXCITES you!

Meditation Class

Private • 47 • Free

Learn the most powerful personal development practice that exists: meditation.


Reality Mastery

Private • 1k • Paid


Private • 9.1k • Paid

Synthesizer School

Public • 9.3k • Free

Wetube SS

Private • 1k • Paid

Skool Community

Public • 73.2k • Paid


Private • 1.2k • Free

High Vibe Tribe

Private • 15k • Free

3 contributions to Skool Community
Skool has iOS & Android apps!
Skool's official iOS and Android apps are live! Scan the QR code to download it, or: Get the iOS app here. Get the Android app here. The apps have push notifications, links open in the app, + more. Enjoy 🎉
New comment Feb 1
3 likes • Jun '23
Congrats! I love the IOS app 😁 (and my clients will too!)
50k Subscribers in 1 Year + 1000 Member Skool Group in a Month
Hey Coaches/Consultants, This is my first post in this group so here's a quick introduction, I'm a self-improvement content creator who moved his efforts from TikTok (340k+ following) to YouTube last year after coming to the realization that generally TikTok audiences aren't as engaged and dedicated to their creators as YouTube audiences. That being my experience, I started my YouTube from scratch a year ago with only a whopping 10-30 people from my 340k+ TikTok following converting to my channel (proving the point of TikTok not being the best place to create an audience). Having exhausted the quantity approach to content on TikTok with about 2-3 TikToks a day, I decided I'd venture down the quality route on YouTube and see if that was the superior path. After one year on YouTube and dedicating myself to learning everything about creating quality content, I can assure you it was (at least for me). I now have 48k+ subscribers and created my own blue ocean of content called the "moviementary" where I fused movie + documentary elements to tell entertaining stories that educate. These moviementaries I make now have hundreds of thousands of views each and within the last one called "How to Escape the '9 to 5'" I launched my own Skool community called the "Freedomist Movement" which is an extension of my worldviews and ambitions into a movement my audience can stand behind and a philosophy that my channel is centered around. I made the barrier to entry high being they have to watch a 30 minute presentation and get a password right to join. My rationale behind that was to filter out all low quality people and that it's better to have an active engaged private group of 1000 people that qualify than a public group of 5000 with a wider range of personalities to moderate with varying investment to the movement. Not to mention, the private community feels adds a layer of mystery that makes people want to join and those inside feel cooler about. Although the beginning was shaky, I was able to easily get a team of moderators with one post and now we found a way to effectively filter out all low quality people with 100% accuracy. The community as it stands is very active and many people are networking/sharing information with each other all around the mission of the Freedomist Movement.
New comment Dec '22
3 likes • Nov '22
Your videos are sick!!!
Please add an italics and bold feature
I would really appreciate if the community posts had an italics and bold feature because it helps make my announcement posts more interesting and engaging. I feel like I can write with more MMMPH if I have access to italics and bold font. This would make a HUGE difference for me and my overall enjoyment using this platform! I'd LOVE to see it!!! (otherwise I'm LOVING my new skool group and plan to stick around for a LONG time!)
New comment Nov '22
1-3 of 3
Adam Miceli
10points to level up
I'm a YouTuber and Life Coach that helps people transform their lives with Self-Actualization. I like nature, science, computers, & ancient history.

Active 19h ago
Joined Nov 29, 2022
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