STEP #2: Create Your Welcome Post!... (Here's Mine) 馃憢
Upon joining the group - create a short welcome post. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your goals moving forward. You can even include a picture of yourself.
I'll start...
馃憢 Hey I'm Eli - I'm super passionate about reaching my goals and helping other people reach their goals too. I'm an ex-police officer and ex-golf professional (I still play - 1 handicap). I value freedom and I love travelling and going on adventures. That's my partner Jess in the pictures (she's awesome).
I've been running my online business for about 5 years. When I first started, I was a broke, mature aged University student. I didn't know anything about business. It took me nearly one full year to make my first sale online. After I made my first sale, I invested into online coaching programs and as a result was able to make over 1 million dollars in my second year. 馃殌
Since then, I've generated multiple 7 figures online and have helped hundreds of other people start, build and grow their online business. If there's one thing you can learn from my journey it's to never quit. Because when it happens, it can happen fast. But if you quit, it will never happen (so don't quit).
I don't know why, but I've always enjoyed helping people. When I was a golf coach, I always loved it when people had their big breakthrough and hit the perfect golf shot or beat their lowest score. It makes me happy seeing other people win. 馃檶 馃檹
Three things I like doing for fun are:
  • Travelling and adventures
  • Going to the beach
  • Playing golf
I'm excited to get to know everybody in this group. Together we can crush our goals. 鉂わ笍
Anyways, that's a little about me. Now it's your turn!
Create a post about yourself (it can be as long or as short as your want) and let us know what your goals are and why you want to build your online business. And don't worry if you're a beginner.
Remember - we all started in the same place!
See you in the community!
Eli Richardson
STEP #2: Create Your Welcome Post!... (Here's Mine) 馃憢
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FREE community for people who want to start and scale their eCommerce business to 6-7 figures and beyond.
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